Lately I have been getting more inspired by models. While it is something that I could never do or even imagine doing, I respect it as an art form. And because it’s menswear Monday I decided to profile one of the ones on my radar: Josh Beech. A native of South London, the 24 year old is one of the most exposed models out there these days. We all know that I have a weakness for boys with tattoos and he represents that alternative high fashion look that isn’t going anywhere.
That’s it. I’m moving to London to track him down.
check out this interview he did for
to check out some of his awesome acoustic music talent check him out on YouTube as well..
credit: thefashionspot, youtube
amazingness. im jumping on the moving to london ship.
josh blonde?what?;\\\
he is my favourite model <33
ARGHHH!!! i didn’t know he was british!!! i love him even more now!