Every time I decide to profile a celeb on my Monday segments, I’m always surprised that I haven’t mentioned each one. I have loved and drooled over James Franco ever since he was “Daniel Desario” on Freaks and Geeks (another show that everyone who loves this blog should be watching). He was the stringy haired aloof stoner that stole my heart in that show. As did Jason Segel and Seth Rogen but more on that show at a later time. Since that show Franco has exploded into one of the biggest actors today..Here is why I love him so much.
yep…you’re welcome.
credit: james-franco.com
he is SO my modern day jeff buckley!! :o)) LOVE it!
hi lauren, thanks for stopping by at my blog 🙂
would love to come to L.A… hopefully soonish
like your blog!!