This mixed media series from Danila Lopatkin in Russia reminds me of the 80s and 90s zine culture that was and continues to be so important in the art world. Here is a description of the series from the artist:
It’s little story about conflict between the inner world of a man –
sea within a personality, without any borders or any rules and morals,
and outer world with public opinion, traditions and morals\\\
The sea, blue and deep, it was like the most beautiful sea
It was the Amusement Park with the glowing merry-go-round near
The sea was too cold, although the water temperature was plus 20 С.
Trip to the childhood with all the scary movies of those time.
I listened and thought, that silence was also singing, but only the
low voice. Perhaps, it was the ice, that was shrinking the sea in a
thick blanket.
First he climbed also through a stone walls, but when he learned
that it’s not illegal, he stopped.
There was the chrome handrails in transition and painted walls on my way.
The shoreline consisted entirely of black cold stones.
The sky was purple, yellow, green, deep-blue. For a long time
nobody has been seeing stars.
I was swimming in the water at night. There was gazillion aquatic
fireflies glowing in the water.
photography and style: Danila Lopatkin
model : Rustam Bulgakov