I know that I have been so awful at updating but I’m only here in Iceland for another two days and I want to soak up as much as I can before I return to the grind of being in the states. There have been so many style inspirations since I have been gone and Josh Beech is one of them. Here are some other photos that I have managed to dig up to inspire you.
Source: tumblr.com
ah! I’ve been wondering what this dude’s name is, I saw him in a bunch of runway shows during NYFW and I was completely swooning. Those full tat sleeves!! Sigh…
Here’s a view of him from my seat at the Elle Fashion Next show: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_7kbJythr9sc/TIu8EgI71eI/AAAAAAAAC9A/VOV0n2VuX40/s1600/IMG_3273.JPG
Big fan of the blog by the way