For some unconscious reason every year during my birthday I buy a selection of books. Whether it’s a zine that I’ve been eyeing for a while or a new magazine to try out, it really impacts my thinking for the next year.
Since I’m in the process of documenting my many magazines and books in my collection on Fashion Grunge Library it seemed cool to highlight some of my recent pickups.
Justine Kurland- Girl Pictures (1997-2002)
This has been on my list for quite a while. During the pandemic I saw it sell out and even wrote the publisher to find out if there would be a second printing. Turns out there was and I scooped it right away.
This series of photos reminds me so much of my own time as a teenage girl. These are more portraits in rural America which differs from DC where I made my own fun. The whimsy and stories that exist within the photos are an escape to my nostalgia.
Photographers’ Sketchbook, 2014
I found this book by chance. Recently I’ve been dying to create something tangible long term. It was late at night and I was on YouTube browsing and found one discussing sketchbooks of famous photographers and their process into how the take photos and organize a new series.
It was hard to track down since it was limited but Abebooks is your friend and I scored a used copy from the UK. It has been right beside my bed ever since and flipping through it constantly have given me inspiration to start my sketchbook this summer.
Adam Thirtle, Journal 1 2023
Adam Thirtle is a UK based photographer I’ve been following for a while on IG. I like to collect zines from artists as just another way to view their work. This zine shows the mundane scenes of daily life in various towns in England which have a somber beauty to them.
Euphoria Fashion, Heidi Bivens 2023
If you’ve been following the podcast you know that I love to hate the tv series Euphoria. For all its flaws it does tell a story of new possibilities in the medium of television. The cinematography and fashion really add a new dimension to the visual language of the story.
Costume Designer Heidi Bivens breaks down every character and inspiration including sourcing of individual pieces in the show. It’s well worth just the interviews and feeling like you’re behind the scenes of this monumental prestige era of television.
Period Zine Issue Seven, 2021
Village Books is one of my favorite online bookshops. Since it’s based in the UK I always load up on several new zines or magazines to offset the shipping cost. I found Period Zine during one of my browsing sessions. Based in Stockholm it features work from only female artists with an exploration of the contemporary female narrative.
Drew Jarrett, 1994
Another book I had to track down. This is another one that I ended up eventually finding in a bookshop in Miami thankfully for retail price. This book by Drew Jarrett is a replication of many contact sheets, test sheets, and portraits from his time in 1994. Including candid photos of Kate Moss, Stella Tennant, and Davide Sorrenti.
For more of my book and magazine collection that I’m still updating…
Check out Fashion Grunge Library on Instagram @fg_library & TikTok @fglibrary